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Welcome to the official podcast of the Chalcedon Foundation hosted by Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz.

Sep 28, 2023

Humanistic thinkers like Freud and Bertrand Russell believed that the decline of religion would follow the solving of societal ills while diminishing any sense of guilt. In this sense, they wanted to build a society free from religion, which would only mean that it would reconstructed by the religion of man.

To achieve this would require rule by a scientific state acting as God and regulating every area of life and thought.

As we can now see, this idealism took a nose dive as society eroded, especially along moral lines, and confusion and destruction are sapping the hope of the next generation. In this sense, humanism is suicidal, but a great return to Biblical Christianity is underway as a new governing class is developing through Christian education and a return to God’s law.

Hosted by Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz

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